Section: New Software and Platforms

VP2HF platform

Participants : Maxime Sermesant [correspondent] , Hakim Fadil, Loïc Cadour.

The VP2HF software is developed by the Asclepios team and brings together all the research produced by the VP2HF's partners. It contains MedInria plugins implemented by teams such as UPF Barcelona, KCL, and specific tools provided by Philips (algorithms of segmentation 2 , scar segmentation, ...). It aims at integrating in a single clinical workflow, tools to improve the therapy selection and treatment optimisation for patients suffering from heart failure.

Figure 2. Philips segmentation tool within the VP2HF platform
  • Version: 1.0

  • License: Proprietary

  • Keywords: Medical Image Processing

  • Dependencies: MedInria, Qt, DTK, VTK, ITK, TTK, MIPS

  • Programming language: C++

  • Supported OSes: Windows (XP/Vista/7/8), Linux (Fedora/Ubuntu), Mac OS X (10.6-10.10)